A project that prepares and distributes 100 fasting meals and distributes them to the needy.

POOR FEEDING ORGANIZATION (PFO) non-governmental and non-profit organization, Feeding poor families in times of emergency, contributing to the fight against food poverty, enabling Yemeni society to live in good health, and contributing to reducing moderate of malnutrition.

Pioneering humanitarian interventions in the food field with high efficiency in areas in need .
Feeding the hangry providing food to the needy,treating malnutrition.
1 Contribute to the provision of necessary and supplementary food to the poor and needy in various parts of the country.
2 Contribute to the treatment of malnutrition cases of all kinds using modern scientific methods
3 Awareness and health education for the community and those affected against malnutrition diseases.
4 Training health workers, volunteers and the community on methods of treatment and prevention of malnutrition diseases.
5 Cooperation and partnership with authorities and organizations in order to achieve the goals of the organization.